12 lbs Clover Honey
7 gallons purified drinking water
1 lb (16oz) raspberry preserve
2 handfuls frozen raspberries
1 orange
1/4 oz coriander seeds
2 satchets champagne yeast
Added 2 cups water to mason jar, microwaved for 2 min. Added 4 tbsp honey, pitched 2 satchets of yeast. In 2 pots, poured 1 & 1/2 gallons of water each. Heated the water until almost boiling, mixed in 8 oz of raspberry preserves and 1 handful of frozen raspberries per pot. Added the peel of half an orange into each pot. Brought the water to a boil and removed from heat. Added honey - 6 lbs per stock pot - honey added volume, so we siphoned must out, and then put the warm must back in the containers to dissolve the honey and get all of it into the pots. Siphoned must into 7 gallon fermenter, and put in ice bath. Added coriander seeds, and pitched yeast after an hour.
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